27. nov. 2011

home sweet home

They say friendship is the only unsinkable ship. I say, it is good to have friends to share passion with. In my case, passion about beautiful things and georgeous spaces in shared with my friend Andreja. She happens to be an architect with a great taste and we often find eachother sharing ideas and uniting thoughts.
She has a thing for modern design and she loves strong colors, which is also noticable in her apartment. There are some antique pieces, beutifully combined with ikea items. All together looks sophisticated jet very welcoming.

Prijatelje si najdemo vse povsod in pravo razkošje je, ko lahko svoja navdušenja in ustvarjalnost deliš z njimi. Sama veselje do čudovitih prostorov in sladkih detajlov delim s prijateljico Andrejo. Tudi ona je svojo pot našla v arhitekturi, giblje pa se predvsem med modernim dizajnom in energičnimi barvami. Samosvoj svet je njeno stanovanje, kjer so svoje domovanje našle starine in se spoprijateljile z mlajšimi prijateljicami iz ikee. Vse skupaj deluje prefinjeno in zelo domačno.

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