Včasih kot prava domačinka ne vidim mojega kraja v vsej njegovi lepoti. Potem pa se pogovarjam s tujci, ki mi zatrjujejo, da živim v raju. Danes mi je Moskovčan razlagal, koliko časa porabi iz enega dela Moskve v drugega, kako živijo...
Pa se res zamislim. Lahko plavam v jezeru, če so dnevi topli, lahko smučam, če je na Straži dovolje snega, lahko tečem ob jezeru, na voljo imam kar nekaj prijetnih lokalov, srečujem znance, klepetam.
Seveda ima Bled kot vsak majhen kraj tudi minuse, katere pa je potrebno spregledati. Tukaj imam v mislih predvsem vedenje posameznikov o vsem, tudi o stvareh, ki jih sam o sebi ne veš. Ampak to je že druga zgodba.
as a true Bled's native I can not see and appreciate my home town in its
beauties. But then I find myself in a conversation with tourists, who can not
properly express how beautiful Bled is and how lucky we are, that we have such a
home town. Today, my friend from Moscow told me, how long it takes him to get
from one to another point in Moscow by car, I simply could not believe what he
was saying.
than I put myself to thinking. I can swim in the lake, if days are pleasantly
worm. I can ski, if Straža has enough snow, I can jog by the lake, there are
some really nice coffee places where I can met my friends and have relaxing
course, there some less pleasant things about Bled, but it is easy to overlook
those. For example, some people sometimes know more about myself, than I do..
But I guess it is the same in all small towns, all around the world..
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